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Friday, June 26, 2009

More Breast Cancer Symptoms

Advanced Breast Cancer Symptoms

As it becomes worse, some of the breast cancer symptoms become apparent. If the breast cancer symptoms are too obvious, you need to consult a doctor right away. The most common breast cancer symptoms are the following:

1. Very evident change in the size and shape of the breasts

2. Mass or lump found in armpits

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

* The nipple changes in appearance, there are itchy sensations, or the nipple becomes retracted

* Breast pain or discomfort and enlargement but usually on

* one side of the breast only

* The late stages include breast cancer symptoms like bone pain, weight loss, arm swelling, and skin ulceration

Some people hardly even know that they are already experiencing the breast cancer symptoms. A breast that itches frequently or feels hot/warm when touched are considered dangerous and rare breast cancer symptoms of the disease.

Inflammatory breast cancer is dangerous and many individuals discover this disease too late. Mammogram or self exams usually don’t detect this condition. Check if your breast is reddish in appearance because this is the very evident symptom of inflammatory cancer of the breast.

The breasts usually become tender and increase a bit in size during menstruation. Every year, more than 1600 men are diagnosed with breast cancer. The breast cancer symptoms experienced by men include a lump, breast swelling and that of the nipples or chest wall, nipple discharge, the nipple becomes inverted, puckering or dimpling of the breast skin, and the breast skin appears dry, scaly, and reddish.

The ones mentioned above are the common breast cancer symptoms of the disease. It is advised that both men and women conduct self exams to determine if there are mass or lumps around the breast area. A great number of breast cancer patients die every year because they detected the condition during the late stages. There are various treatments available for breast cancer today. If you suspect you have breast cancer or you’re experiencing any of the breast cancer symptoms, you must consult your doctor immediately so that the necessary tests can be performed to get accurate diagnosis. Stage Of Breast cancer vary widely — from lumps to swelling to skin changes — and many breast cancers have no obvious symptoms at all. Breast self-exam should be part of your monthly health care routine, and you should visit your doctor if you experience breast changes. Understanding Breast Cancer

How breast cancer happens, how it progresses, the stages, and a look at risk factors.

Screening and Testing

Types of Breast Cancer

The different types of breast cancer, including ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC), inflammatory breast cancer, male breast cancer, recurrent breast cancer, metastatic breast cancer, and more.

Your Diagnosis

The characteristics of the cancer that might affect your treatment plan, including size, stage, lymph node status, hormone receptor status, and more.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this information! i found it very useful. Best regards from prostate cancer symptoms.
